Thursday, October 25, 2012

Advice over coffee

by Jaclyn

So you're ready to start your MBA. You've narrowed down and prioritized your list of programs. The application process is well underway and deadlines are fast approaching. You've shared your plans with a few select colleagues and are eagerly telling all of your friends and family. But as the start of your MBA gets closer, you start to wonder how to prepare...

I'm sure advice from seemingly everyone you know is not in short supply, but I'm going to jump on the advice train with a few of my own:

  1. Know "Why MBA?" There is no denying that returning for an MBA education is a commitment, both in time and in cost. So to make such an investment for two years, there must be a really good reason. My advice is to know yours, not just what you wrote in your admissions essay, but what you really want to get out of the experience. For some it's an opportunity for a career change, for others it may afford new opportunities at their current workplace, and still others are simply looking to strengthen skills. Having these goals in mind will motivate you more than you could imagine in the first year of the program, and are a guide when prioritizing all of the opportunities an MBA education affords.
  2. Embrace the Transition and Seek Challenges. I just completed the first 7 weeks of the MBA program last Friday and it's hard to explain what a rush of emotions it was. There's the feeling of relief; the first semester of the BC MBA program is intensive and having been out of a school environment for 5 years, I was anxious. While there isn't a lot of time to become adjusted, looking around the classroom you realize most everyone is in the same boat. My classmates very quickly became a support system, my study buddies, my teammates and my friends. Anticipate and enjoy the transition. The other feeling was excitement; looking back I can't believe the knowledge I've gained and all of the times I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and accomplished more than I thought possible. Seek challenges and take risks you wouldn't be able to outside of the program. You have two years.
  3. Put Your Game Face On. As one of my favorite first quarter professors would say, "This isn't a spectator sport. Get in the game." Returning for your MBA is not a passive experience, so enter the front doors knowing you're going to work hard and may sacrifice a little sleep along the way. Approach the two years excited to learn about your strengths and weaknesses, and discovering what your true passions are. Look forward to making some incredible friends along the way, because it will most certainly happen and it'll happen fast.

Last, but not least, learn to appreciate coffee in all of its caffeinated glory. Good luck!