Wednesday, December 5, 2012

CSOM Gives Back for Thanksgiving

by Jaclyn

Last week was Thanksgiving, arriving at the perfect time to recharge for the 2 week semester finale. It's my favorite holiday, but not just because of the copious amounts of turkey and pumpkin pie I can eat guilt and calorie-free (it's the truth). Instead, Thanksgiving has become a day of reflection, to acknowledge everything I have to be thankful for, whether it's the food on the table or the family and friends around me.

So as papers started piling on and final presentations loomed over us, the CSOM graduate community found a reason to slow down, connect with the community, and remind ourselves of the importance in giving back.

Enter The 1st Annual Food Drive...

The school's first annual food drive was held during the first two weeks of November, with a goal of collecting 600 items to donate to the Newton Centre Street Food Pantry for Thanksgiving meals. And as no surprise to most of the members of our program, we crushed this goal. Because of the generosity, enthusiam, and dedication shown by the entire graduate school, we were able to collectively donate (including a few strategic trips to Costco) over 1,600 items, lending to enough Thanksgiving meals to serve 260+ local families.

Putting aside the admissions process, the academics, and even career for just one minute, this is truly what makes me so proud to be at Boston College...the strong sense of community, a tradition of service, and the genuine kindness of the students, faculty, and administration.

To read more about the CSOM 1st Annual Food Drive, visit: