by Matt
“Back to school, back to school, to prove to Dad that I'm not a fool. I got my lunch packed up, my boots tied tight, I hope I don't get in a fight. Ohhhh, back to school”
- Billy Madison
Happy New Year and welcome back to my blog! I hope everyone had a happy and safe holiday season. Here we are after a 4 week winter break, gearing back up for another semester starting Monday. While the initial semester for the first year class was pretty intense, it’s looking like the pace will not slack at all for the second semester.
In addition to beginning electives towards our concentration, we begin our semester-long consulting project. This project is a yearly event where local area companies have teams of BC MBA students come into their corporation and act as an outside consulting team. A few of the things teams in the past have been asked to do is install a new business process, developing business plans and evaluating investment opportunities.
Our class has been broken up into 15 teams of 5 to 6 people each. Each group is assigned 2 companies to interview with, learn about what specific issue they will address, and toss out a few ideas on how they would plan to attack the problem. My team has had both of our interviews and is waiting to see which company we are chosen to work with. These projects are time intensive, and it will be a challenge ensuring we deliver a quality product to our clients. However, I’m sure I speak on behalf of everyone in class when I say I’m excited for the experience and can’t wait to find out which company we will be working with.
And on a final note, the Divisional round of the NFL playoffs is going down this weekend with the Pats taking on the Texans… GO PATS!!